Privacy Policy


pursuant to art. 13 of Regulation (EU) no. 679/2016 (“GDPR”)

pursuant to art. 38b of the Code of Obligations, as well as the Federal Data Protection Act (LDP) and the Federal Law on Placement and Loan of Personnel (LC)

As foreseen in the European Union Regulation n. 679/2016 (hereinafter “GDPR”) and in particular to art. 13, below we provide you with the information required by law relating to the processing of your personal data. 
What data we process (Article 13, paragraph 1 letter a, Article 15, letter b, GDPR) 
eSport Master, based in Via Antonio Riva, 3A – 6900 Lugano, Switzerland, operates as IT, services and commercial for eSport and collects and/or receives information about you, such as:

  1. Data contained in the registration forms (name, surname, physical and electronic address, landline;
  2. Navigation data on our website, such as: traffic data, possible localization, visits to the website, weblog, IP address, operating system used, browser used, cookies;
  3. Data you submit to us via correspondence/emails/surveys or other contact forms.

What do we need your data for (Article 13, paragraph 1, letters c, d, e, f, GDPR) 
We use your data to follow up on your request. 
In particular, your data will be processed for:

  1. Commercial communication activities, information, newsletters, surveys and customer care 
    The legal basis for these activities is your consent to these treatments, which you can revoke at any time.

What happens if you don’t provide your data? (Article 13, paragraph 2, letter e, GDPR) 
The collection and processing of your data is necessary to carry out your orders.
Failure to provide them will make it impossible for the Owner to manage your orders. 

How long is your data kept? (Article 13, paragraph 2, letter a, GDPR)
Personal data are kept for the time necessary to carry out the activities related to your request. Your personal data entered on the website of the Data Controller are deleted after a period of inactivity of 36 months. An e-mail will be sent to you six months before the expiration of this period to notify you of this circumstance. 

How we process your data (Article 13, 2nd paragraph, letter f, GDPR) 
The data processing is carried out through IT procedures by specifically authorized and trained internal subjects.
What are your rights? (Article 13, paragraph 1, letter b, and paragraph 2, letter b, GDPR) 
Basically you, at any time and free of charge and without special charges and formalities for your request, can request the Owner to:

  • obtain confirmation of the processing of your personal data;
  • access your personal data and know its origin (when the data are not obtained from you directly), the purposes and purposes of the processing, the data of the subjects to whom they are communicated, the retention period of your data or useful criteria to determine it;
  • update or rectify your personal data so that it is always accurate and accurate;
  • delete, in the cases provided for by law, your personal data or request the limitation of processing;
  • obtain a copy of your personal data. 
    Any requests will be processed at the latest within one month of receipt, except for the possibility of extending this deadline for a further two months, if necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of requests received by the Data Controller. 
    To obtain the specific list of the Data Controller’s external Managers, as well as for any further information and requests, you can contact the Data Controller at max (at) esportmaster (dot) net. 

Who can you lodge a complaint with? (Article 13, paragraph 2, letter d, GDPR)
We remind you that, if you reside outside Switzerland, you can lodge a complaint with the Guarantor for the protection of personal data in your country, unless, for specific legal provisions relating to your situation, a supervisory authority of another EU Member State is competent.